
The basic dictionary meaning of gratitude is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

The QUALITY of being thankful and READINESS to show appreciation. These things sound suspiciously like actions to me, not just words. Gratitude is something talked about quite a lot. I find in the reality of life; there is a need to challenge myself regularly. To make sure I am practising gratitude, not just uttering it.

It is something that is often promoted as a life-changing attitude. But we all know that, generally, recognition won’t solve your problems or remove the burdens that you are currently shouldering. How, then, can it be life-changing?

I have experienced a true feeling of gratitude can dispel fear, anxiety, or sadness while you are feeling gratitude. If you are feeling overwhelmed or sad, focus yourself back on gratefulness several times a day. It can begin to reduce the overwhelming feelings and bring them to a manageable level.

choosing to do it

The act of being grateful is just that: something you choose to do. In other words, simply saying “I am happy and grateful for…” is a step in the right direction. However, it probably won’t be enough to relieve us for long.

The real power (and effort) behind gratitude comes when we focus on things in our life that we are grateful for until we begin to experience the feeling. Then more powerfully, follow with action. Go out of your way to thank or acknowledge someone who has given you a reason to be grateful. Write a thank you card, cook a meal for someone, tell a loved one how much you care or visit an older person who has impacted your life. This list can go on and on. It’s just a matter of remembering the things that have been special in your life, even in the smallest ways.

The act of being grateful every day can slowly lift you from the low place you are in and take you to new heights. I hope where ever you find yourself in life right now; you can find something to be grateful for.

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